We don't recommend this

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We don't recommend this

Post by shakibkhan2365 »

— John Mueller (official) · #MaybeABot (@JohnMu) March 2, 2018 Twitter translation Posted by) Can I ask aq? Is meta-refreshing with '0' equivalent to 301? Not that this is recommended, of course, but situations where you 'need' it :) and quite old news cc @searchmartin 's information on his web. (John Mueller) Meta-refresh type redirects should work. for two reasons: UX (the page is kept in your browser history, you know) and processing time (the page has to be parsed before it can be displayed).

I have received over 1,000 SEO consultations and have looked Azerbaijan Email List at a variety of sites, from large to small. Recent SEO trends are focused on content, and references to technical SEO are decreasing. However, I feel that the more sites emphasize the importance of content, the more often they actually take the wrong measures or do not take technical aspects into consideration.


I have received over 1,000 SEO consultations and have looked at a variety of sites, from large to small. Recent SEO trends are focused on content, and references to technical SEO are decreasing. However, I feel that the more sites emphasize the importance of content, the more often they actually take the wrong measures or do not take technical aspects into consideration.
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