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To go further, you can employee data consult the article dedicated to this subject:

Post by diparani »

How to map the experience of your users thanks to an experience map? B2B2C webinar: how to engage end users to increase sales? Watch the webinar Implementing a B2B2C strategy: which tools to use? What are the types of services employee data or tools that can be offered as part of a B2B2C strategy? Each case is very different, and it is very likely that the right answer in your case is a mix of several of these elements, but we employee data can define several types of tools or services that we can offer to our network. of distribution : Tools to develop the business : commercial kits, case employee data studies, key figures, trend analysis, curation of articles... Tools to improve organization : inventory management solution, easy ordering, order tracking, appointment scheduling tools, etc. Tools to streamline the relationship : self-care, FAQ, chatbot, online advisor, media library, management of expense reports, etc. As said before, the important thing is to bring real added value , and to ensure that the tool fits employee data naturally into the daily life of the company.

How to design relevant tools in a B2B2C strategy? The design methods, whether aimed at B2C or B2B, are always based on the same fundamentals: Short design iterations : avoid periods where you spend several days or weeks producing screens, An ability to validate quickly : shorten decision cycles as much as possible, integrate the right people into workshops, Rapid implementation employee data of prototypes : always validate the workshops with testable visual translations: wireframes, interactive models, etc. Test the prototypes with 5 to 10 users to quickly pivot, Specify to implement functionality that is validated by testing. It is important not to create a tunnel effect during the employee data design phase: following the preliminary design which makes it possible to lay the first bricks of the reflection, permanent design work must be carried out throughout the development phase. of the product. Defining a powerful tool in an agile way As mentioned above, speed has become a key success factor in the digital economy.
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