Here is his advice in a text messagte service few key points: Bringing body and

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Here is his advice in a text messagte service few key points: Bringing body and

Post by diparani »

Mind together, and not letting text messagte service the mind spin in a loop. Give due space to emotions. Modify your relationship to time, re-anchor yourself in the present time and let go of the losses of the past and the uncertainties of the future. Putting emergencies into perspective, prioritizing important tasks. Do not respond to requests (emails, notifications, etc.) as text messagte service they arise, but plan dedicated times. Understand your vulnerabilities and establish your limits. Develop your resources and your inner security text messagte service by finding inner anchors when you feel that the world is collapsing around you. Finding usefulness and meaning as a bulwark against impotence, by text messagte service seeking commitments commensurate with it and not by wanting to save the world, which is an excessive role and doomed to failure. Continue to dream, marvel and stimulate the imagination.

Donald Winnicott makes creativity the sign of good physical health. Give proof by example, and offer diversity as wealth. Do not try to convince of one's positions because this reinforces polarities and transmits anxieties. Emphasize relational text messagte service security, solidarity, mutual aid, cooperation (Pablo Servigne, “Mutual aid, the other law of the jungle”). Develop the feeling of connection to the Living. Finding our rightful place in the ecosystem, letting go of anthropocentrism. Look beyond yourself, let go of the Western-centric vision. Open up to the text messagte service spiritual dimension, to the greatest possible and let go of sacrificial roles. Cultivate gratitude. Acting as a professional for responsible design The development of new technologies and new uses goes faster than their text messagte service comprehension. The rules are thus dictated by marketing and industrial profits and not by social customs.
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