Any reference to individual company email list elements must be made by

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Any reference to individual company email list elements must be made by

Post by diparani »

storing the element ID. ID tables should be used to indicate the order of references. To learn more about this normalizing approach, Redux discusses it specifically -state-shape . Although without opinion, Redux provides a guide of good company email list practices, and techniques and tools to consider to start a project well ( . Very useful, and certainly company email list essential, this guide is perhaps the sign of a major defect of the library, that of having recourse to a certain number of tools and additional practices to be able to be used wisely. Performance with Redux Here we are at one of the most taboo topics when talking about Redux: performance. The library documentation says it itself: “ Redux may not be as efficient out of the box when compared to other libraries .”. This is all the more true company email list when we talk about mobile applications on entry-level Android phones (i.e. a good number of users still today).

On large amounts of data, as is the case here, the responsiveness of the store and therefore of the application becomes very quickly impacted, for the simple and good reason, that depending on the devices, the hardware resources are very limited, especially RAM. Adjacent problem, using Redux as a cache solution . One lesson we will take away is that company email list the Redux store should be ephemeral. Two explanations for this. The first is that it is difficult to invalidate data, even if it is timestamped. When to do it and especially company email list how to do it properly without impacting company email list the performance of the application? So yes, a quick solution would be to make a reducer whose responsibility would be to delete data, but based on what criteria? How to be sure that the data about to be deleted is not in use? Blocking the loading of the application at launch to perform such a task would be giving up an optimal user experience. The second explanation concerns the persistence of the Redux store .
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