All Four Will Remain in

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All Four Will Remain in

Post by hasanrasel7412 »

As it has been characterized by historians, it is a "conceptual category" and not a genre, which with mystery as a stable base developed without ever standing still. His cinematic spring, which is the subject we are also concerned with at the Horrorant Film Festival, came three decades later, at the same time as the golden age of Italian cinema, with creators such as Mario Bava, Umberto Lenzi, Lucio

Fulci and of course the huge Dario Argento, who gave him those characteristics that made t Bhutan Email List he gialli remain etched in… neon colors in the history of cinema. Although this spring came to an end in the early 90s, the "genre" proved to be tenacious and in the hands of new creators it managed to evolve and, always with respect to its "grandfathers", to give us particularly remarkable examples.


This year's Horrorant Film Festival pays a small tribute to giallo through the trilogy of the Onetti brothers. And a masterclass could not be missing, which will be delivered by our official guest, the Argentinian screenwriter, director and producer Nicolas Onetti, one of his – proven – biggest fans, since in recent years together with his brother Luciano they have given us the excellent "Sonno profondo"
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