Product Recommendations employee email list (powered by Adobe Sensei):

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Product Recommendations employee email list (powered by Adobe Sensei):

Post by diparani »

A suite included in the license for visual search with AI power recommendations that work with photos and not with attributes added manually by the e-merchant. Live search: The search engine by Adobe is finally available! A very advanced employee email list search engine compared to the old ones which remained very employee email list complicated to set up with a fairly employee email list long time-to-market. We will note the arrival of intelligent facetting to be able to employee email list present the customer with a whole range of products according to the interest shown in the live search and a product which is no longer in stock, for example, will not go up to the top of the page. products offered.

The enrichment on this subject continues but the tool is already powerful. Magento BI: integration with Adobe Analytics with which you employee email list can analyze site performance and behavioral data (equivalent to Google Analytics). Adobe Commerce performance data and site user behavior data can thus be integrated. This Q4 therefore ends in style for the Adobe team, which is constantly developing its tools and which has understood the employee email list challenges of digital very well at a time when everyone's innovation is putting creativity and novelty to the test!
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