At Kaliop, we industry mailing list regularly organize " Lunch & Learn

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At Kaliop, we industry mailing list regularly organize " Lunch & Learn

Post by diparani »

These are lunches organized internally, for employees, to discuss and learn about topics that are close to our hearts. Sometimes we invite a partner: it's the perfect opportunity to talk about news, new products, good practices to follow, etc. Last week, our industry mailing list partner Adobe gave us the pleasure of participating in our Lunch & Learn . A little history lesson? Even though it has been two years now since Adobe industry mailing list acquired Magento , recently changing the naming of Magento Commerce to Adobe Commerce, please know, dear readers, that we still speak of “Magento” when it comes to of the Open Source version (to the delight of purists!). Adobe is a industry mailing list player in the digital transformation present with almost all digital customers, through their various product ranges offered for many years. Indeed, we have been talking about digital transformation for a while, and we still talk about it today.

But where are we exactly? At Adobe, we have a rather clear vision of the different stages of digital transformation: it was initially with the renewal of the Back-office and the ERP, then the Front and today the transformation concerns the customer experience . It should also be noted that Adobe remains the only publisher in the world to manage a industry mailing list digital transformation in its entirety and with all its tools: from the creation industry mailing list of products/assets to conversion. The industry mailing list transformation of digital today is therefore the transformation of the customer experience? The answer is yes! We buy more experiences than products these days: merchants and e-merchants have understood this and are going further by creating a brand experience . Innovating and providing customer satisfaction to build loyalty has become a major challenge. Having a beautiful e-commerce site or a beautiful showcase remains important, but it is far from enough.
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