As digital professionals, we telephone number list therefore have a responsibility to

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As digital professionals, we telephone number list therefore have a responsibility to

Post by diparani »

Enable users to become actors in the digital devices we create. As Anne Faubry and Aurélie Baton of the Designers Ethiques association telephone number list reminded us, responsible design is part of a virtuous circle that brings added value to the service. Here are some tips to keep in mind at every stage of a project. Put the user at the center of services. Give telephone number list users a voice to create services that respond telephone number list to uses (interviews, feedback). Define the real need, fight against obsolete software (excessive features that the user does not need). Ban dark patterns , designed to deceive or manipulate the user in order to lead him to actions that are not in his interest (infinite thread, automatic video launches, luring urgency, notifications based on the principle random reward, voluntarily complex course, etc.).

Use effective marketing techniques with pedagogy , without mystifying the objectives (inform the user that his journey is being followed in order to identify pain points telephone number list and improve the fluidity of the service, warn the user of the conditions before he does not embark on a long journey, communicating around suggestion algorithms if there is a risk of a filter bubble…). Create the conditions for trust by making legal obligations opportunities for reassurance rather than seeking to telephone number list circumvent the laws. This is an opportunity to communicate on respect for user rights with education, if possible in a general public vocabulary (inform on the use of telephone number list personal data, the use of cookies, etc.). Challenge the need for unscrupulous on- board third-party solutions (for example, letting the user choose his mapping service rather than imposing an on-board map if it is not really necessary, the same for sharing on social networks, etc.).
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