We were present Bulk SMS Service at the 7th edition of Green IT day 2021

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We were present Bulk SMS Service at the 7th edition of Green IT day 2021

Post by diparani »

What uses for responsible and Bulk SMS Service sustainable digital? All actors, all responsible! ”. In times of environmental, health and social crisis, in the aftermath of a global outage involving Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, the focus has Bulk SMS Service been on the uses and consequences of digital technology on our health. The three ecologies Anne Alombert, Teacher-researcher in philosophy within the chair “Ethics, technology Bulk SMS Service and transhumanisms” opened the keynote by quoting “The Three Ecologies” by Félix Guattari. It thus replaces the ecological question in a triple dimension: environmental ecology , social ecology and mental ecology . As Charline Schmerber reminded us, we have become borderline societies . On an individual scale as on a planetary scale, we are subject to the same problem of exceeding our limits and our resources . Earth Overshoot Day was created to raise awareness of the depletion of natural resources.

At the level of individuals, the same process is in place and the new uses consume us beyond our limits, sometimes to the point of collapse ( burn out ). During the round table, several topics were discussed in this regard. The attention economy leads to disorders of attention, that is to say of concentration but also of attention to others. Captology exploits Bulk SMS Service emotional Bulk SMS Service springs and polarizes stories. The rhetoric of immediacy , outbid by the rhetoric of urgency , disinvests the present and obliterates projections towards the future. Hyper-connection Bulk SMS Service and hyper-consumption of information amplify all these phenomena and generate permanent stress. At the same time, over-empowerment, linked in part to the wide availability of information and dystopian emotional narratives, places us in a situation of cognitive dissonance . We become aware, in rhythms specific to each one, of the impact of our uses at the same time as the urgency of the crisis.
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