Serialization and deserialization, depending job title email list on the volume of data

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Serialization and deserialization, depending job title email list on the volume of data

Post by diparani »

Is a resource-intensive task, not to mention reading and writing the data to the device for later use. Along with the first point, reading and deserializing a large data set takes time and therefore increases the loading time of the application. Knowing also that the majority of the data loaded is not necessarily and immediately useful in the user job title email list experience. Especially since this technique does job title email list not allow differential persistence of data, but only complete, which has the consequence of being triggered at the slightest, even minimal, modification job title email list of data in the Redux store. Not to mention the potential limits of storage media, especially with Async Storage on Android, where reaching this limit can cause a number of problems for your application. Since then, this limit can be increased easily. But is it a good idea to increase the capacity? I leave you in the hands of the documentation to make up your mind: storage/docs/advanced/db_size . To these explanations, add the increase in data, and you will get a real time bomb which overnight can make your application almost unusable, in any case difficult to exploit.

What alternatives are there? So what to do? Redux can be a good solution for web applications with a relatively short lifespan , although difficult to approach for a first project. On the other hand, for a mobile application made in React Native , it is job title email list preferable to approach adapted and above all proven mobile solutions. Natively, the Android and iOS platforms job title email list support SQLite very well, which also have several advantages: Does not add any overhead to the app's bundle . The first version dates from August 2000, so SQLite has proven itself. Well maintained with frequent releases. Open-source. Uses the SQL language, familiar to developers and database job title email list administrators. Cross-platform. The disadvantages of SQLite are subjective and opinionated.
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