And we haven't talked executive email list about the structure of our store yet,

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And we haven't talked executive email list about the structure of our store yet,

Post by diparani »

Because there too, there is never a right way executive email list to do it. I'm sure you hear it often, but it's important to emphasize “It all depends on the need”. Before going to see other alternatives (I see you running away), let me tell you the story of a project where the use of Redux executive email list started from a good executive email list feeling. With a naive approach, the project was built on an in-house base around Redux, without additional libraries. Until then, the application was only a few months old, and the source code was doing quite well. And then the evolutions arrived, and the limits of Redux with it. A strongly coupled structure (data interdependencies), duplication in all directions, data inconsistency (often incomplete) because not always standardized, but above all exponential data growth with no way to clean up the store, with of course serialization less and less efficient to be able to persist the data and keep it in offline mode.

Without forgetting the errors on the management of immutability, where sometimes data was mutable. At this precise moment, two choices present themselves. The first is to end this suffering and carnage, by replacing Redux with another tool. The second, more executive email list reasoned, would be a reorganization and standardization of the use of the store with the implementation of good practices. As part of this feedback, it was the second choice that had been decided executive email list to avoid a rewrite of more than half of the project. This does not mean that the first choice is not possible on large projects. Once again, everything depends on the need and the impact generated executive email list by the chosen solution. In our case, app stabilization was a priority, and in this context, a change of tool was not possible for several reasons, including in particular the experience and mastery of alternative solutions, deemed insufficient to justify such a technological shift.
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