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Disclaimer: This professional email list article is not intended to condemn or

Post by diparani »

discourage the use of Redux. It is simply a feedback whose purpose is to identify and point out the disadvantages and/or advantages encountered. Context: a mobile application to be delivered quickly Let's first take the time to contextualize professional email list the project on which this feedback is based. This project is a professional email list mobile application supporting users with neurological pathologies. It brings together various functionalities, such as supplying professional email list a logbook for medication monitoring, an editorial section on subjects related to illnesses, sophrology or even physical programs. There is therefore a certain amount of data to process and manage, of different natures, and with a real need to take advantage of the application's services even during network professional email list outages.

A production launch in less than four months, a team generally accustomed to web-oriented projects, a number of choices were made quickly to meet delivery deadlines. And with these choices, its share of regrets, of which Redux is a part today. Implementation professional email list with Redux There are several ways to start projects with Redux . And that is the problem. Redux wants to be an “ unopinionated ” solution, in other words, “without opinion” on the practices and patterns that can be adopted. Despite this, there are some helpers, which can be useful on the Redux documentation. So professional email list where to start ? Between building your reducers manually, or using libraries like @reduxjs/toolkit or even reduxsauce , understanding how selectors work and how to optimize them correctly, passing through the standardization of store data, without forgetting the power of a Redux Saga to manage side-effects such as API requests for example. Your project has not yet started, when a migraine suddenly invades you. I almost forgot, a subject that often comes up on the table, especially during the React project , is the notion of the immutability of the store.
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