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Even large companies make

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 4:56 am
by rukaiaakther
On multiple URLs. If we think about it, Google's reasoning about cannibalization is understandable, because if, for example, you have two posts that talk about the same topic, it means that neither of them has the complete content. On the other hand, if you concentrate the content of the 2 pages into one, it means that the article resulting from both is more complete and consequently the user will not need to enter more websites to find precisely what they are looking for. As a result, if you control cannibalization errors on your website, you will get more organic traffic because your blog post will be shown more times in search results, it will receive more clicks (not only because it appears more) but because users They will stay longer on your website and find just what they are looking for.

It will also be easier for Google to identify what content it Macedonia Email List should show, saving you time and effort. Back to top 3) How to avoid SEO cannibalization We already know what this SEO error consists of and how it directly damages your website and its visibility on the Internet. But rest assured, we have the solution for this whether you are creating your page from scratch, or whether you already have one. Before starting to analyze and locate possible cannibalizations on your website, it is important to make three things clear: Solving cannibalization problems is not an exact science that you can follow to the letter since it requires making risky decisions that can put the reputation of your website at risk.


The basis of the study lies in a good keyword analysis , so if you do not have knowledge or tools for this, it is better that you put yourself in charge of a professional. Don't get obsessed , there are times when cannibalizations are inevitable if your niche is very small. So don't get lost and do it well as much as possible . some of these mistakes. In addition, you must take into account that a web page is something very dynamic (or so it should be) it includes new content and is updated with high frequency , which means that if at some point you see that you do not have major cannibalization problems, probably You can find them later.