Written by Carlos Campos trading-tips

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Written by Carlos Campos trading-tips

Post by mdshamiulislam7 »

Without even realizing it, we are involved in negotiations every day. Since we were children, we have negotiated bedtime, the deadline for school work, the time to return home after a walk with friends and many other situations. In adult life, we continue negotiating: the salary at the new job, the responsibility for household chores, the price of a new acquisition. For consultative sales professionals, negotiation skills matter even more. At this stage the deal is about to be closed – the salesperson has already prospected, made the first contact, investigated the prospect's pains and needs, presented solutions, strengthened the relationship, carried out follow-ups, presented the proposal and now it is necessary to negotiate the terms to reach the best result for both parties.

This is the time when the seller needs to be flexible in the right way and maintain control of the process so that the sale does not slip through their fingers. In this article, we list 5 negotiation tips to make this stage Austria Phone Number of the commercial process more fluid and assertive. Check out! 1- Build an assertive proposal The first step to a successful negotiation is to present a proposal consistent with the needs and desires presented by the prospect. This way, at the time of negotiation, the prospect will feel that their needs have been understood and that the proposal is consistent with the solution they need, even if some adjustments are necessary. To do this, make sure you do a good amount of research beforehand.


If, when structuring the proposal, you realize that some information is missing, contact us again to clarify. It's better to ask than to make an incoherent proposal that makes the prospect abandon the negotiation. The idea is not to sell your services, but rather the ideal solution for your prospect. Therefore, when presenting the proposal, create value with success stories and show how your service will help them with the problem they face today. Another relevant factor is in relation to price. Be aware of the pricing practiced by your competitors and know how you position yourself relatively, considering your value proposition. 2- Set objectives Having well-defined objectives is another important factor for more efficient negotiation. When starting a negotiation, be clear about where you want to go with it.
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