The Exhibition Presents Various Platforms from Government Agencies

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The Exhibition Presents Various Platforms from Government Agencies

Post by choyaakter »

Then there is Nazzua Nur Diva Zifara, the fourth winner of the Paser language speech at the junior high school level. He expressed his pleasure because he had won at the provincial level. Even though he has not been able to advance to the national level, he still hopes to take part in the FTBI again the following year and advance to the national level. The local government strongly supports the implementation of FTBI at the East Kalimantan Provincial Level in 2022. Currently, the Education and Culture Office of the East Kalimantan Province has also chosen the Kutai language as local content as a form of implementing RBD in schools. Regional Regulations in Samarinda City are also in the process of being drafted and are expected to be launched in 2023. Regional Government Support for RBD in East Kalimantan The East Kalimantan Provincial Government, represented by the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Cultural Park, Ismid Rizal stated that at this time the young generation in East Kalimantan Province tended to leave their regional languages ​​for various reasons. According to him, they tend to feel shy and insecure about speaking local languages ​​and prefer to use the national language.

In addition, they also use mixed languages ​​(local languages ​​with Indonesian and/or foreign languages) in their daily communication. In fact, said Ismid Rizal, East Kalimantan is rich in regional languages ​​or mother tongues which become the self-identity of its people. Therefore, mother tongue must be passed on to Oman Phone Number List the younger generation. Preservation, said Ismid, is not enough just to pay attention to the Kenyah, Kutai Malay, and Paser languages, but also to all mother languages ​​in East Kalimantan. Moreover, there is a plan to move the national capital (IKN) to East Kalimantan which will have a broad impact on the speaking of the mother tongue in East Kalimantan. Therefore, Ismid hopes that the younger generation can continue to preserve it by speaking their mother tongue and being proud of the regional language in East Kalimantan. "The East Kalimantan Provincial Government welcomes and appreciates the implementation of the 2022 East Kalimantan Provincial Level FTBI, because this event is very important for the preservation and development of regional languages," added Ismid. FTBI East Kalimantan Provincial Level 2022 is the peak of RBD activities. The activity was held on 23-26 November 2022 at the Aston Hotel and the Atrium of Samarinda Central Plaza Mall, Samarinda, East Kalimantan.


A total of 84 participants from elementary and junior high schools and 14 accompanying teachers were actively involved. FTBI East Kalimantan Provincial Level 2022 begins in stages, namely starting at the sub-district and district levels, then moving on to the provincial level. In implementing FTBI, KBPKT has trained mentors from six regencies/cities (Paser Regency, North Penajam Paser, Kutai Kartanegara, West Kutai, East Kutai and Samarinda) in East Kalimantan. The mentors then trained 277 primary teachers. After that, the KBPKT carried out outreach or stimulation to 1,160 teachers and community activists. The next stage is learning Regional Language Revitalization by targeting 13,536 elementary school students and 5,822 junior high school students. After that, the District Level Mother Language Festival was held in Paser, North Penajam Paser (PPU), and Kutai Kartanegara involving 680 participants. The 2022 East Kalimantan Provincial Level FTBI competitions are Poetry in the Regional Language Elementary Level, Fairy Tales in the Regional Language Elementary Level, Poetry in the Regional Language Middle School Level, and Speech in the Regional Language Middle School Level.
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