Simple happy circumstances such as material

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Simple happy circumstances such as material

Post by Andrew1111 »

Wellbeing cannot be parameters of wellbeing. Because any reversal of them common after all would destroy not only wellbeing but also its very definition. What is your personal wellbeing secret. I’m trying to train myself still to accept that wellbeing should always remain a question mark. Conquering it would mean for me also challenging it. Life should be always for me a good movie script with unexpected surprises so that the main protagonist avoids the biggest threat that is boredom and waits with interest if possible not with anxiety the end that will vindicate the unknown screenwriter.

Shadow Making But the more colored specimens multiply And above all to wake up every morning with joy EJ Leads because a world will await me where everything USA Phone Number List will seem even always sacred to me. Maybe that’s why I’m afraid of the night and its dreams. I never ruled out a color job if it was interesting. And some of the Circle do color. Reason of Shadow than the Reason of Colors. It’s a completely personal opinion that I don’t expect everyone to accept. But the more colored specimens multiply around us the more. I feel the charm and attraction of an art expressed through shadow.


I also see that your photos a are what we call direct recording photos. That is they have no additional interventions. Is this a conscious view In the Circle we are constantly trying to identify. The limits which we will never reach of the photographic language. For me the limits of photography by November 14, 2022 This does not mean that if one uses photography to create a visual work one cannot do so with great success. But in order for photography to escape its limits it is necessary to know them.
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