The PP housing measures for the Community of Madrid

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The PP housing measures for the Community of Madrid

Post by niloyislam10100 »

In this way, the sectors of developable land or unconsolidated urban land whose action system is compensation or private and have not been developed in recent years, will move to the cooperation action system or will be developed through the intervention of agents. developers through different calls for the development and mobilization of these lands. Rental aid plan: we will continue to promote the municipal rental aid plan to promote access to housing for 200 vulnerable families through the payment of rental income with aid of more than 18,000 euros over 4 years. In addition, we will collaborate with families to process the necessary documentation so that they can access rental aid from the Junta de Andalucía (2,700 for families with limited resources and 1,800 for especially vulnerable families in the city of Malaga). Municipal Office for the Right to Housing: they will continue to provide this office with more resources and capacity to meet a greater demand from families in need of technical, legal and social help to avoid the loss of housing (rental or owned).

Likewise, we will continue with the housing search aid plan, in collaboration with social entities, and payment for a rental home for 4 years. Public/private promotion of subsidized housing: we will promote a public-private promotion plan for subsidized housing in the city through the transfer of land by the City Council for the construction of rental and ownership housing at affordable prices by the builder private which will exchange the land through the Anguilla Email List transfer of premises or finished homes. Housing cooperative : they will promote the creation of cooperatives through the bidding of municipal land, so that the members of the cooperatives become promoters of their own homes, which has an impact on lowering costs compared to purchasing a home. housing to a conventional developer. Green Apple: we will promote the development of the Green Apple action, beginning with the transfer of the current Operational Services to their new facilities to the south of the Fairgrounds and the Prados and the transfer of the EMT.


In the first phase of action of this eco-neighborhood, the construction of 319 homes is contemplated, of which 279 are VPO and in the second, 644 of which 524 are VPO. Comprehensive action plan in the public housing stock: we will promote a joint work strategy with the communities of owners of the public housing stock to improve neighborhood coexistence, promote education and training for job search among neighbors, the modernization and improvement of buildings and the development of a social and work itinerary for the most vulnerable families. New IBI bonus for protected housing buildings for rent from private initiative: they will offer a new bonus of up to 95% of the IBI quota for new private initiative protected housing buildings intended entirely for long-term rental. New tax credits in the IBI for families with three or more children.
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