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Try remarketing towards

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 9:24 am
by bappy11
This blog post will help develop your paid social strategy for the holidays giving you top tips for ecommerce Christmas success. Launch early November invest in prospecting If youre reading this and you havent yet launched your Christmas campaign get a move onThe Early November is the time to start driving awareness of your brand and product discovery as people start to think about Christmas gifts. Focus your budget predominantly on prospecting activity focusing on building education around your products and relating them to Christmas gifting to appeal to new customers.

Maximise key trading periods especially Black Friday Black Friday is one of the biggest trading days of the year. With most brands and businesses launching the best deals of the year at this time consumers intent to buy is very high and conversion rates across channels are higher too To maximise this higher intent this is a great time to run paid social activity. However Jordan Phone Number with more businesses running paid activity this can cause the ad auction to be more expensive than usual meaning it can be expensive to reach new audiences. To counter the higher auction focus a higher proportion of your budget on retargeting activity.


If youve been investing in prospecting earlier in the season you should have a bigger audience that you can remarket towards. site visitors previous buyers social media engagers. This will help drive more sales in this period whilst maximising your ROAS One thing to bear in mind in November is that as the years have gone on businesses have started their Black Friday discounts earlier and earlier. To get ahead of the competition you might even want to think about launching your Black Friday deals a week or two before the day itself. Although from experience Black Friday itself is when you see the biggest efficiencies due to such a high conversion rate.