Why dont you give StaticPress

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Why dont you give StaticPress

Post by Prisila150 »

Will this result in changes to the static version of your site If youre creating a new WordPress website that you later want to convert to static you may want to consider using paid services like Strattic or HardyPress. Such services offer static websites and builtin workarounds for comments and search forms for a monthly fee. As we said earlier there are always workarounds for such features StaticPress . This means you dont have to pay to create a static version of your WordPress website especially when its easy.

Final Words Creating a static website with WordPress has its pros and cons. Youll enjoy South Africa Email List faster page loading speeds better security fewer administrative tasks and more hosting options at your disposal. At the same time static websites are not ideal for all WordPress websites. such as ecommerce sites that rely heavily on WooCommerce. And this is because the serverside functionality is erased when you convert a WordPress website to a static one.


Things like contact forms order forms comments and shopping carts will not work. While there are workarounds to get the functionality you need its always important to consider whether you actually need a static website. Sure its easy to create but are you better off running a WordPress website on stellar hosting for example a try and tell us what you think in the comments section Happy crafting and stay safe Post Source httpswww.wpexplorer com.
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