The trick is when you DO get exposure

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The trick is when you DO get exposure

Post by shikharani00167 »

If you can master the merger of those two – you’re set. ~ Joel Runyon is the founder of IMPOSSIBLE and Impossible Ventures where he helps people & businesses push their limits in fitness, gritness & business. 10. CHRIS GARRETT Find an audience that gathers in numbers and will benefit from what you have to share and get in front of it. There is no rule that will work for everyone and every niche, but public speaking, webinars/hangouts, having your content shared, all work well.make sure you have mechanisms in place to keep people coming back (because they want to). ~ Chris Garrett is Chief Digital Officer at the legendary Copyblogger Media. He helps run Copyblogger’s educational programs like Authority, where he develops guides and tutorials to support Copyblogger customers in growing their businesses. Connect with Chris on Twitter. 11. IAN BRODIE For me, what’s worked well is to partner with those who already have an audience of the people you’d like to attract and write for them with a link back to your best stuff. Don’t be afraid of advertising either.

If your audience is on Facebook it can be quicker and easier to Tonga Email List use FB ads rather than trying to bootstrap your way to more readers. ~ Ian Brodie helps consultants, coaches and other professionals to attract and win more clients. He works with busy professionals who are brilliant at what they do, but need help growing their confidence and competence at marketing and sales. 12. PEEP LAJA 1.Write amazing content. No substitute for it. No “growth hack” can help you if your content is mediocre. 2.Distribute your content to the right people and websites. Your content needs to be able to carry its own weight though. It’s not hard to put your content in front of people. But to get them to be excited about it and to share it is all about the quality of your content. ~ Peep Laja is an entrepreneur and conversion optimization expert. He’s been doing digital marketing for 10+ years in Europe, Middle East, Central America and the US. Today he runs a conversion optimization agency Markitekt. 13. JACOB CASS Having great content. Great content promotes shares, which promotes traffic, which promotes shares which promotes… you get the idea.


~ Jacob Cass is a logo, Web and graphic designer from Sydney, Australia, who freelances under his business Just Creative Design, which doubles as a wildly popular design blog. 14. CHRIS GUTHRIE Spend less time writing content and more time promoting the content you’ve written. Writing content over and over again without seeing any results is the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result). The other thing. Build an email list. I can trace over $1MM dollars in revenue from my email lists alone. ~ Chris Guthrie runs a blog at which covers all of his internet marketing super tactics, such as making money with Amazon’s affiliate program, buying and selling blogs and heaps more. 15. LAURA ROEDER Be consistent! Choose a blogging schedule that’s actually realistic for you and never miss a day that you were supposed to blog. Readers are trained not to come back when you let your blog go dead for months at a time. I’ve been sending out my newsletter every Wednesday for the past 5 years, and haven’t missed a week yet! ~ Laura Roeder is a social media marketing expert who teaches small businesses how to become well-known and claim their brand online.
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