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KOL Marketing In Asia Northeast Mobile Phone Number

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 10:27 am
by Sharifa123
Top Social Media such as Facebook and Instagram are trying to push for a more authentic and In-depth collaboration through meaningful and authentic partnership. Some brands involve influencers in the Northeast Mobile Phone Number very early stage of a campaign, even going as far as the general concept ideation. channable-campaign-june-2022 We’d like to share with you 3 creative ways to collaborate with KOLs in Asia. Create emotionally appealing content 1. Leverage influencers’ background beyond content During Northeast Mobile Phone Number the KOL selection process, brands normally identify several criteria to filter out the ideal candidate. A common criterion would be the relevance of the content to the brand’s product and services. For example, beauty brands usually look for influencers that share makeup and fashion-related content.

However, several brands start to focus more on the stories and personalities of the KOL. An example would be Medlase's Focus Makes Perfect campaign with Hong Kong influencers Emi Northeast Mobile Phone Number Wong and Utah Lee. Medlase is one of the biggest laser hair removal companies in Hong Kong, while Emi Wong and Utah Lee are both fitness gurus who might not have an obvious relation to the brand’s service. But the company explored their common point and linked its devotion at providing Northeast Mobile Phone Number the best service with the 2 influencers’ dedication towards fitness and success. 2. Resonate to the audience with an interesting twist More marketers are actively looking for KOLs that could create a bonding experience between the brand and the audience—creatively. Hong Kong surrealist photographer Tony Fung came up with an innovative and eye-catching image for the Parisian watch brand Bauble last year.


The catchphrase “Running out of time?” not only demonstrated the function of a watch, but it also reflected the fast-paced lifestyle of Hong Kong. Additionally, the surreal image of a hand grabbing the bus away is visually captivating. Early this year M.A.C.’s has renovated its Shanghai store by integrating interactive formats to attract its Gen Northeast Mobile Phone Number Z audience. The store is more than a product discovery and shopping place, it also allows consumers to engage with the online community. So, M.A.C. promoted their lipstick campaign by showing testimonials from Little Red Book—a Chinese social commerce app—on LED screens. The LRB Northeast Mobile Phone Number testimonials were categorized according to the 5 lipstick colors, containing comments on the color, texture, endurance, suitable skin tone of users, etc. All these useful “KOL-UGC” enriches the visitors’ experience and facilitates their purchasing decision. Moreover, the store’s 2nd floor is designed for KOL and public events, which further enhances the pull effect of influencers at drawing the public towards the physical location.